6: Move DNS to route53.
So what have we got so far?
I now have a live static s3 website hosting the n.ew version of the pubgolf website.
It is working quite nicely but a static s3 website is running on http only. https should really be configured. The easiest way to do that is to enable a cloudfront distribution and point it to the s3 bucket.
I’m planning to automate all this using either CDK, Cloudformation or Terraform but just want the basics in place first so will do this via the console. In order to get a certificate set up I have decided to move the domain to route53. It might cost me a bit more in transfer costs etc but makes setting up a certificate so much easier!
transferring the domain
- Open the route 53 console: https://console.aws.amazon.com/route53/home
Select the Registered domains section
Click on Transfer domain.
- Enter pubgolf.co.uk then click check
Looks like it won’t cost anything to transfer the domain so that’s cool :-)
The IPS Tag needs to be changed to GANDI - I did this on the LCN hosting control panel but didn’t screenshot it.
- wait till whois has updated with the appropriate tag.
Click Add to Cart then continue.
Update the name server options.
I’ve selected the “import name servers from route 53 hosted zone” option. I can do this safely as I changed the name servers to use the AWS ones a week or three back when I set up the s3 bucket static hosting.
Contact details for the domain.
Confirm the contact details then click continue.
Check details and accept terms then complete order
authorise the transfer Follow the instructions
and then it’s a waiting game till things are transferred over.
And done.. The domain is now showing in the route53 console. What’s even better is that the pubgolf website is still working :-)